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In 2023, thedotgood is introducing a Top 50 Brazil SGOs, after a Top 25 in 2022. Looking at the diversity of Brazilian organizations, this new listing is a tribute to the diverse and innovative Brazilian Social Good Sphere.

For years, Brazil has been confronted with immense social and environmental challenges and over times its civic space has come up with a great mix of stakeholders. Many of them have been testing, again and again, trying different revenue models that could deliver sustainable action and lasting impact.

Lately, things keep evolving. Confronted with lasting challenges in terms of sustainability and impact optimization, we now see social good interactors defining new approaches and operating organizations with new operating model and new management methods. A lot is to be learnt from that diversity as more is to come in the coming years.

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Every year, thedotgood scouts the Social Good Sphere looking for the most influential SGOs transforming our societies. Join the Sphere now.