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A quick but mandatory process before your social good organization may join any contest.

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Eligibility form

10 to 15 minutes

Eligibility form

3 to 5 minutes

Eligibility Pass

Expect a one-week delay
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December 18, 2022
December 17, 2023
Eligibility Pass

Why an Eligibility Pass?

As a courtesy to thedotgood, we appreciate that some of the very basic requirements are there before we begin to put time and resources into reviewing your organization. Whether you’re thinking of our national, regional and continental listings, or our Top 200 World listing, we know that competing is a demanding effort. Thanks in advance for doing the best you can to help us achieve our work.

Is your organization ready to enter a contest?
Prepare to start your journey.

thedotgood welcomes all innovative and resourceful organizations from starters to the seasoned, small and large, from all corners of the planet.
Your organization comes with innovation, your team has the talent, the skills, and the passion. You have clear objectives and the determination that drive you to address specific issues in sensitive contexts. So yes, you are right to think that thedotgood should look into your work.

Do you have a doubt about the category your organization fits into 

Learn more about SGO categories.

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A question? Drop us a line.

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What is to be asked in the Eligibility form?

Here is the key information we will ask you about your organization when filling in our online submission form:

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of employees.

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Category of SGO (see below).

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Legal Corporate ID
and basic information requirements.

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Organization website URL.

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Name and contact of your organization’s official representative who will handle the eligibility submission and receive your organization Eligibility Pass when granted.

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Name and contact of top executive who we can reach out to, to verify ID of your official representative to thedotgood.

Please send me an Eligibility Guide

Enter your email & check box.
thedotgood welcomes the following categories of SGOs.
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Legal entity with a for-social-profit purpose


Any entity legally incorporated that has not set financial profit as its primary, sole and ultimate objective. The ill-named « non-profit » terminology does not reflect the reality of an existing social profit behind this labeling and we wish to acknowledge that beyond the non-profit term there is a positive objective.

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Dual legal-entity eco-system


The reality of the social good sphere, facing the constant challenge of fundraising, has brought into action organizations that do operate multiple entities, under the leading banner of a social profit objective. Hybrid models are operating two sets of frameworks: Non-profit and for-profit. Hybrid organizations are therefore groupings serving a social profit cause with the support of for-profit entities.

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Legal entity with two legal purposes

Double Bottom Line

To some extent, praising social entrepreneurs is more comfortable than evaluating any social enterprise: one is a human being deserving admiration when the latter is something way more undefined, in particular when it comes to its legal status. A social entrepreneur is first and foremost an entrepreneur with a social spirit and inspiration. Fair enough. As for Social Enterprise, we will not fight a losing battle to coin a unique definition. However, we do now consider the need for some clarification and will start reviewing Double Bottom Line aka Double BL. This can be any corporation, no matter its formal legal status, that has a financial benefit objective and at least one sustainable objective, as far as these two objectives are encrypted in the DNA of the corporation, though not necessarily transcribed in its bylaws. Double BL takes a stand to achieve a social goal and a financial goal though notwithstanding a distribution of dividends to shareholders. If Double BL is to be a bridge between the old for-profit world and the social good sphere, isn’t that some good news.

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Legal entity with three legal purposes

Triple Bottom Line

Here is the most systemic and structured new category of incorporated bodies. Their bylaws come in fully legally binding terms with three objectives: a financial one, a social one, and an environmental one. These corporations are the new big thing. In the US, they are labeled as a “Benefit Corporation”, which is not to be confused with a B-Corp which is a corporation with a certificate delivered by a private entity,i.e. B-Lab Inc., that is generating revenues by trading its brand and services with the term B-Corp… The other two are addressing social and environmental challenges. The reality of the social good sphere, facing the constant challenge of fundraising, has brought into action organizations that do operate multiple entities, under the leading banner of a social profit objective. Hybrid models are operating two sets of frameworks: non-profit and for-profit. Hybrid organizations are therefore groupings serving a social profit cause with the support of for-profit entities.

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Informal with binding commitments

Informal Groupings

The social good sphere is populated with soft power advocates and leaders, and
often limited with funding. To regroup, to share, to scale and globalize, to optimize means and resources makes a lot of sense and explains why there are many informal
groupings in the sphere. Evaluating informal groupings is challenging as many of
them struggle to edit annual reports and financial statements which they are not
enforced to publish, due to the absence of legal binds. However, it would be most
unfair not to recognize the huge contribution of these collective efforts.

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Any of the above in their junior phase of development.

Rookies and Start-ups

As with any living thing, many entities in their infancy fail in their quest to make a difference. When considering junior organizations with less than three years of activity, the landscape comes with many hits and misses, but not complete failures. For many embarking on such intrepid journeys, dedicating a good share of their life and sense of urgency, the early years are not just critical: they are often fruitful and come with a maze of innovation and creative thinking. We cannot but enjoy reviewing rookies and start-ups in any category of SGOs, as mentioned here.

*By using a new categorization of organizations, thedotgood wishes to set a larger debate about the social good sphere. You are welcome to join it!

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Are you struggling to determine the SGO category your organization fits into? Let's start a conversation.

Reach back to me. Here's my email.
  • Asif Saleh, Executive Director
    « As a purpose-driven company with a mission to support our planet and its communities, thedotgood is a terrific partner in its flexibility in supporting our initiatives ranging from timely disaster relief to feeding the hungry, and protecting our planet. thedotgood allows our good efforts to immediately activate and support critical causes and enables us to maximize our impact to improve the communities where we live and work. »
    Asif Saleh, Executive Director
    BRAC Bangladesh
  • Asif Saleh, Executive Director
    « As a purpose-driven company with a mission to support our planet and its communities, NGO Advisor has been a terrific partner in its flexibility in supporting our initiatives ranging from timely disaster relief to feeding the hungry, and protecting our planet. NGO Advisor allows our good efforts to immediately activate and support critical causes and enables us to maximize our impact to improve the communities where we live and work. »
    Asif Saleh, Executive Director
    BRAC Bangladesh
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What’s next once you receive your Eligibility Pass?

Once you receive your Eligibility Pass you are ready to think about entering any contest. You may think of not competing right away and assess your potential to make the cut, or you may wish to improve some of your ratings before confronting them to our selective criteria. In any case, please read about how to compete here.

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Please learn more about thedogood services here.

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More Questions?

All Eligibility Pass are valid for one year and automatically renewed. At any time, one can login and manage automatic renewals. If your SGO has an active Leader Pack, renewal of Eligibility Pass is included in your pack.

No. When an SGO wishes to create its profile for the first time, an Eligibility Pass is mandatory. If an SGO has an existing profile and does not renew its Eligibility Pass, the profile will not be deleted and will be part of thedotgood SGO directory.

Please note that SGOs cannot manage their profile without an Eligibility Pass.

When an SGO wishes to manage the existing profile of its organization, it will be required to earn an Eligibility Pass. Among other reasons, verifying the ID of any official representative claiming to take over a profile is mandatory for thedotgood to allocate control of an existing profile.

Once your SGO has earned its Eligibility Pass, you can decide to enter into one or multiple contests. You can also pause and get your SGO better prepared before filling the Official Contender Application form.

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