What is the New General Data Protection Law (LGPD)?
The New General Data Protection Law, Law 13,709, of August 14, 2019, applied to all companies, also affects Third Sector companies. NGOs, foundations, charitable entities, community funds, non-profit entities, residents’ associations, among others, must comply with the requirements of this law.
The legislation aims to protect personal data and is based on: respect for privacy, informational self-determination, freedom of expression, information, communication and opinion; the inviolability of intimacy, honor and image; economic and technological development and innovation; free enterprise, free competition and consumer protection; and human rights, the free development of personality, dignity and the exercise of citizenship by natural persons.
The big news is that health institutions must adjust all internal processes and data processing must comply with the guidelines set out in article 11 of Law 13,709/19. Throughout the process, Pro Criança Cardiac will rely on the expertise of Dr. Jose Carlos Vaz e Dias, partner at Vaz e Dias Advogados & Associados, to be carried out on a Pro Bono basis.
‘Pro Criança Cardiac, which has the characteristic of being a pioneering company in the third sector, informs all its stakeholders that it will comply with the new Data Protection Law and we will fully comply with the LGPD.’ , Executive Director of the Institution.