Pro Criança inaugurates “Institutional Check-up”
“The implementation of the Institutional check-up was the way we found to infect the entire team, with the performance indicators that we routinely monitor in the Pro Criança controllership”, explains controller Gabriel Buzzi.
After a long period of working on strategic planning in 2020, the institution’s main KPIs for 2021 were identified. Among them, it was observed that the number of services and the amount of donations are the heart of the Institution’s operational and assistance activity. Therefore, these indicators will be constantly disseminated to the entire team using a language very close to the Pro Criança universe: pediatric cardiology. The primary objective with this initiative is to let everyone know exactly how their work reflects the execution of the strategy. The next step is to work on disseminating and dynamically feeding this content to our donors, partners, patients and the general public, increasing the degree of transparency and reaffirming our commitment to best practices.
The “Check-Up” consists of a series of exams and evaluations carried out by a doctor, with the aim of evaluating the patient’s condition and capacity, identifying possible changes in their functioning.
At Pro Criança Cardiac, we carry out the “Institutional Check-Up” which allows us to evaluate the “health” of the institution. It is believed that some “diseases” have a better chance of being cured when detected early.
Therefore, carrying out some tests is essential:
Institutional Electro
“Electro” is an exam carried out with the aim of identifying any failure in electrical conduction through the heart. Likewise, Pro Criança’s “Institutional Electro” aims to identify whether its structure is moving as it should and detect possible “arrhythmias” and “tachycardias”, such as drops in donations and the number of services, which guide institutional performance.
Institutional Holter
Finally, the “Holter” exam is like a long-lasting “Electro”, which records the heart rhythm 24 hours a day. Similarly, the “Institutional Holter” aims to observe the specific conditions that can alter the “heartbeat” in the Institution’s administrative and assistance operations, enabling us to adjust the execution of our annual strategy.
Institutional Eco
“Echo” is an ultrasound examination of the heart that provides images based on sound, obtained at the time of the examination. Therefore, the “Institutional Echo” shows the current moment in comparison to recent years – allowing us to obtain static and/or moving “images” of our “muscles and heart valves” – donations and services.