Showcase it,
Share it.
From outside and within the social good sphere, we ought to share more, and bring evidence by turning to facts, the expression of views and alerts when deemed necessary, demonstrating our essential human fabric and best practices. At the end of the day, we are in a better place when able to showcase our values and innovative ability to transform our societies, with social profit first in mind. Time to shine.
thedotgood’s services are there to enhance your organization as it aims to earn more support, reach a larger audience, and impact more.

Food for thought, please!
Start meaningful conversations, anytime you wish.
We can join with you to start a conversation with your team, your board, your funders, and your partners. You may wish to reflect before starting another leg of action and success, or you need to pause and take a second look at your organization. Feed your human capital with more knowledge and enjoy reflecting on the future. With over ten years of scouting the social good sphere, we’ve got eyes for both basics and insights and are willing to share.
Best way to start any meaningful conversation? Drop us the first line!

Due Diligence may have it. You can too
Interested to learn more about an SGO, your SGO, a set of SGOs: You are at the right place.
thedotgood can offer thematic DD (shortlisting); Strategic DD; Stress Test DD; Express DD (40 Criteria); Ad hoc DD (select your DD criteria).
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Due Diligence guide

Let your organization shine, for good!
Whatever your status is with thedotgood,
you will enjoy the benefit of our services.
How to best communicate with thedotgood support?
thedotgood’s services are there to enhance your organization as it aims to earn more support, reach a larger audience, and impact more.